OneWorld South Asia Home / News / News:Today’s Headlines – Puppets Speak for White Band in Pakistan Puppets Speak for White Band in Pakistan New Delhi Though the scheduled launch of the Global Call to Action Against Poverty’s (G-CAP) White Band campaign was delayed in Pakistan due to torrential rains and thunderstorms, the campaigners more…
Category: Technology
techno stuff
Real Women Seek Dates, Must Love Technology – New York Times
Real Women Seek Dates, Must Love Technology – New York Times The women here – these daters – look familiar. You know the type. Trim, breezy, frank, supremely at ease making confessions to cameras. They’re recognizable anywhere now: reality-show Jens and Amys, spirited representatives of that plucky work force that dutifully fills the girls’ slots… — Teleportation: Express Lane Space Travel — Teleportation: Express Lane Space Travel Think Star Trek: You are here. You want to go there. It’s just a matter of teleportation. Thanks to lab experiments, there is growth in the number of “beam me up” believers, but there is an equal amount of disbelief, too. Over the last few years, however, researchers…
Granny grows tired of prostitution at age 63 –
Granny grows tired of prostitution at age 63 – Yahoo! News BERLIN (Reuters) – A Berlin grandmother who has worked the city’s diplomatic quarter as a prostitute for the last 49 years plans to retire when she turns 64 next year, according to Germany’s Bild newspaper. Even though prostitutes were forced to leave the area…
When a Tree Isn't Really – New York Times
I hear that they want to start making fire hydrants look like fake animals and that all airplanes are going to have to be painted to look like teradactyls…personally, I like the idea When a Tree Isn’t Really – New York Times The Adirondack Park Agency, a powerful group charged with protecting New York’s six…
Our Desire to be Sick
The Paradox of Reality Television Fame | The debate on the meaning of reality television seems to be stuck on the
THE VN/VO | The Paradox of Reality Television Fame | The debate on the meaning of reality television seems to be stuck on the “individual,” often heralded (or chastised) for bringing “fame” to the less idealized persona. However, the critics have got the actual revolution wrong. What it has really done is made famous, and…
Ancient Shoes – Better than Nikes
Of course big question though is how do they smell? By SUSANNA LOOF, Associated Press Writer Sun Jul 10, 2:53 PM ET ZLIN, Czech Republic – Lined with hay and held together by a net of rough string, the leather shoes look bulky, itchy and downright uncomfortable. But if they were good enough for Oetzi,…
Robots roam at Expo
NAGOYA, Japan » Japan has seen the future, and it involves greenery, robots and many different types of trash. Those are the main themes evident at Aichi Expo 2005, the world fair going on through Sept. 25 on the outskirts of Nagoya, Japan’s fourth-largest city. Honolulu Star-Bulletin
Watch out for Terrorists and Their Plans
((Thanks Lily for sending me this link. I’d like to add one more devious plan the terrorists might have…let George W. Bush continue to destroy the US and her image around the world…why attack America when she is eating herself anyway…. Be sure to click on this link for the whole list at Terrorists…