WASHINGTON — Strains of the influenza virus are constantly swapping genes among themselves and giving rise to new, dangerous strains at a rate faster than previously believed, U.S. researchers reported last Monday. They found that slightly mutated influenza A strains in New York that circulated between 1999 and 2004 gave rise to the so-called Fujian…
Category: Technology
techno stuff
Saddams Car moves to the US
Newstimeslive.com A wheel deal::: LINK A year’s service in Iraq gave William von Zehle a host of memories, some good, some bad. The first sergeant in the Danbury-based 411th Civil Affairs Battalion returned home from Baghdad a certified hero for his rescue efforts when terrorists destroyed the United Nations headquarters in the Iraqi capital. He…
Let's Clone The Beautiful
(It seems to me that this is some kind of sign of things to come….cd) Korean First to Successfully Clone a Dog – Yahoo! News Scientists for the first time have cloned a dog. But don’t count on a better world populated by identical and resourceful Lassies just yet. That’s because the dog duplicated by…
Modern Day Tommy…Plays A Mean Video Game
Link at Yahoo News LINCOLN, Neb. – Brice Mellen is a whiz at video games such as “Mortal Kombat.” In that regard, the 17-year-old isn’t much different from so many others his age. Except for one thing: He’s blind. And as he easily dispatched foes who took him on recently at a Lincoln gaming center,…
Japanese Humanoid robot Repliee Q1 Unveiled
Personally, I think they need to put her in a schoolgirl outfit…cd Tampa Bay’s 10 News Tokyo, Japan — A Japanese scientist recently unveiled his newest creation, and she’s “alive.” “Repliee Q1” was introduced to the world in Tokyo, Japan. The female android is the creation of Professor Hiroshi Ishiguru of Osaka University. He says…
Department of Homeland Security Surveillance Truck
If you think that truck across the street looks sort of normal…maybe you should peek in the back…just because you’re paranoid doensn’t mean they aren’t watching you…..cd Link from Boing Boing
SPACE.com — Richard Branson and Burt Rutan Form Spacecraft Building Company
SPACE.com — Richard Branson and Burt Rutan Form Spacecraft Building Company Richard Branson and Burt Rutan Form Spacecraft Building Company By Leonard David Senior Space Writer posted: 27 July 2005 03:09 pm ET British entrepreneur, Sir Richard Branson, has teamed up with aerospace designer, Burt Rutan of Scaled Composites to form a new aerospace production…
Boing Boing: Shanghai Suicide
Boing Boing: A Directory of Wonderful Things Fourteen ways to die in Shanghai English translation of a controversial, internet-propagated map that lists places and methods for bumping yourself off in Shanghai. # Huichunji pharmacy sells sleeping pills. # Suzhou Creek is uncovered. # The #57 bus goes directly to the zoo. You can jump into…
NASA sends shuttle back into space after long pause – Yahoo! News
NASA sends shuttle back into space after long pause – Yahoo! News APE CANAVERAL, Fla. (Reuters) – NASA successfully launched space shuttle Discovery on Tuesday after a 2-1/2 year struggle to rebuild the shuttle program following the fatal Columbia accident. The shuttle, carrying seven crew members, soared into slightly hazy skies, leaving behind a trail…
eBay: Sponsor the Fukn podcast at www.fukn.us …Advertise!!!
Here it is, your chance to sponsor the fukn podcast! Better get over to ebay and bid! eBay: Sponsor the Fukn podcast at www.fukn.us …Advertise!!! (item 5601241809 end time Aug-01-05 22:23:48 PDT)