Just so you know…here are some of the smileys and their meanings….cd The write way to say it There are as many emoticons as there are emotions, and then some. Here is a tiny sample: 🙂 Basic smiley 😉 Winking 🙁 Frowning :*) Drunk :-)~ Drooling >:-> Devilish :-& Tongue tied |-O Yawning/snoring :-/ Skeptical
Category: Technology
techno stuff
iRobot – Robots for the Real World : Home Page
(This is disturbing for some reason….I’m not sure why exactly…cd) iRobot – Robots for the Real World : Home Page iRobot Kicks Off ”I Love Robots” Ad Campaign BURLINGTON, Mass.–(BUSINESS WIRE)–Oct. 3, 2005–iRobot Corp. launches its “I Love Robots” advertisement campaign today, featuring real people talking about their love for robots. The ads showcase iRobot’s…
Slashdot | MIT Unveils Prototype for $100 Linux Laptop
(Nicholas Negroponte strikes again, and fiction becomes reality – almost. Anybody read The Diamond Age by Neal Stephenson? The Young Ladies’ Illustrated Primer? – kg) Nicholas Negroponte, the co-founder of the Media Lab at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, detailed specifications for a $100 windup-powered laptop targeted at children in developing nations. Negroponte, who laid…
Gas prices high? Try an eco-friendly, $3.5 mln Skycar – Yahoo! News
( I want one… here is the link to the Neiman Marcus Christmas Catalog..cd) Christmas Book Gas prices high? Try an eco-friendly, $3.5 mln Skycar – Yahoo! News CHICAGO (Reuters) – If that Hummer is draining your cash at the gas pump, Neiman Marcus Group Inc. (NYSE:NMGA – news) has the perfect holiday gift: A…
Mayor Fights Leeward Windmill Farm – Yahoo! News
(This is the kind of story that really amazes me. The Leeward Coast of Oahu suffers from a lack of good jobs. A wind farm would provide clean energy, minimal impact to sensitive cultural areas, AND family wage jobs. Our Mayor is so obviously kow towing to the special interests that got him elected. Could…
China to use satellite to peep on panda sex
BEIJING, Sept 27 (Reuters) – Chinese scientists will use satellite technology to peep on the sexual antics of China’s highly endangered giant pandas, Xinhua news agency said. Reuters AlertNet – China to use satellite to peep on panda sex
gizmag Article: Deep Flight submarine
(I heard about this on NPR the other day, for some reason I couldn’t find it there though… Wish I had $12,000 to go to this school…cd) (** Here is a more recent link to the actual deep flight site…link gizmag Article: Deep Flight submarine Deep Flight is a radical new design approach to underwater…
Silent epidemic in the Pacific
(Imagine if there would have been a high incidence of HIV/AIDS when Captain Cook and his sailors arrived…instead of syphillis getting spread from horny sailors to disease free islanders (and wiping out a significant portion of the healthy population i.e. sexually active and able to resist European invasion) the sailors would have returned to Europe…
Turning Shit to Shinola
(For anyone who doesn’t understand why this image is attached to this story, rent the movie the jerk and pay attention to Nevins Dad’s advice when he leaves home…cd) CHICAGO (Reuters) – They cannot escape the stench, but residents of tiny Reynolds, Indiana, hope the oceans of hog manure produced nearby will power their homes…
Fine Line Revealed Between Creativity and Insanity
(I don’t think this study comes as a surprise to anyone who is creative….cd) Fine Line Revealed Between Creativity and Insanity By Ker Than LiveScience Staff Writer posted: 07 September 2005 03:09 pm ET History suggests that the line between creativity and madness is a fine one, but a small group of people known as…