The American Project by Vago Damitio I’m considering a new direction and project in my life and work. I’ve never been keen on the American dream or being American (aside from the passport) – but as I get ready to come home and bring my immigrant family with me – I realize, maybe I never…
Category: Books and Writers
Some of the most visited articles on this site are papers I wrote in University about mass media, personality, and various ethnographic studies of fairly obscure tribes… looking at the statistics, it occurred to me that the reason for that is because others are being assigned similar topics for papers. That, got me to wondering…are…
On Responsibility and Human Society
(Originally published 2008) It’s never been easy being a human being. From the dawn of time, we have struggled to survive, struggled to find shelter, struggled to find safety, and struggled to keep ourselves and our loved ones safe and alive. The way we do this has changed, but the necessity to do so has…
A Question of Authority – Can there be Authority in an Anarchist Society?
I wrote this back in 2000 and as has been pointed out by anarchist friends and colleagues, the whole thing is rather un-anarchist in its perspective. Thirteen years later, I have to say that I’m still not certain what box I fit in, with regards to political and economic pigeonholing. It may be that not…
Bizarre Random Dreams from the Year 2000
These are some of the odd dreams that appeared to me in the year 2000. I wrote down the oddest, but I wish I’d have written them all down…. A wedding for my parents at grandma’s old trailer park, lots of waterways and houseboats, a hidden spot. Admiring bridesmaids and touching a bridesmaid. Erotic,…
Smooth Living: Beyond the Life of a Vagabond
After more than 4 years abroad and on the road – my time to come home is rapidly approaching. I hope. My Arab wife’s final (I hope) immigration interview is tomorrow in Casablanca. If they approve it (which they have no reason not to) – I will be finishing this 4 year, around the world…
Using Religion to Save the Environment
by Vago Damitio While it would be nice to say that religion is the answer to the ecocrisis (and all the rest of our problems), the truth is not so simple. While there are many passages in holy books of the world that instruct believers to preserve, protect, and value nature ; the problem is…
Van is Dying – Uh-oh (Flashback to 2004)
In 2004, I was living in a minivan I bought for $175. I should have stuck to VWs. I called this one Pig and usually had hands black from working on it’s horrid engine. As I re-edit and prepare to launch Rough Living 2013 and Smooth Living: Beyond the Life of a Vagabond, I can…
Anarchy as Religion – Religious Anarchy in Social Context
This is another essay from 2000. Again, my credentials as an anarchist are not clear since I can’t put myself in a box. I’m not sure what to call my beliefs in a religious, political, or economic sense, though I am clear on what my beliefs are…more on that later. I thought that the first…
Amazon’s Amazon Coins are No Play Money – Exploring Virtual Currency
The world of virtual currency is nothing new. However, just unveiled a new virtual currency. It will be coming in May and lots of people are excited about it…but not everyone. I remember hearing about this phenomenon a few years ago. I laughed, I thought it was a media sensation, I pretty much forgot…