Title: The Children’s Crusade by ChatGPT with prompts by CD Damitio Act 1: Lost Childhood Scene 1: (Scene opens in Oakwood, a small town in a first-world country. We see a group of right-wing propagandists discussing their plan to promote child labor in order to boost the economy. They are gathered in a dimly lit…
Category: Books and Writers
The Nuns of Baboob. An offensive novel by CD Damitio. Available for Pre-Order on Kindle.
My inappropriate and offensive novel The Nuns of Baboob is now available for pre-order on Amazon.com. It is the story of a pig of a man, called Pig (among other things) who goes on a comical journey to a far off land that most people have never heard of. Order it here —> https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0BQ328ZYY This…
A Year of Living Bald Jesusism (Now Baldism)
A Year of Practicing Baldism 1. Introduction to Baldism The goal of this article is to introduce the religion of Baldism (formerly Bald Jesusism) and the benefits it can bring to those who practice it. Baldism is a decentralized religion that was built by a process of crowdsourcing, trial and error, and adopting what works…
2022 — Winding Down & Winding Up Things are changing — Here’s some hints as to how….
GM Frens! First of all — I want to thank you for subscribing to Vagobond Magazine whether it is through Substack, Vagobond.com, Medium, Cent or if you are reading this on Facebook, Twitter, or one of the many other channels we publish in — no matter where you are reading it- Thank you. Thank you…
On Storytellers and Storytelling
This post is also a free NFT you can collect. Mint it at https://vagobond.cent.co I’ve been thinking a lot about how we tell stories. The ways we share our culture, our values, our ideas. I (like many people) was raised in a time and place where ‘storyteller’ was made synonymous with ‘liar’ or even ‘charlatan’….
The Origin of the Izita Bears by CD Vagobond
Author’s Note: This is the origin story of the Izita Bear NFT collection. You can see the Izita’s here – you can even buy one (or more): https://opensea.io/collection/izit-a-bear The Origin of the Izita Bears by CD Vagobond Long from now… The town of Wherzitat experienced a miracle. Deep in the bowels of…
Where Am I? Sartori in Paris
Sartori in Paris I’d wanted to read this for many years but reading doesn’t come easy these days. 4096 miles on a budget airline in an aisle seat flying over the wide blue expanse of the Pacific did the trick. The only in flight entertainment being Australian fishing shows. I split my reading time between Sartori…
Film on Film as Life on Life
Film on Film as Life on Life Watching a great film can give a person insights into the existence they lead. That may be the key to why human beings are willing to spend as much time as we do sitting in darkened theatres or immobilized on couches during sunny days watching things that may…
Five Seasons of Fellini – Amarcord
Five Seasons of Fellini If you are no longer a teenager, think back to the time when you were. If you were to pick one significant year from that time and make it into a movie, who are the people, what are the images, and what are the things that you would want people…
Welcome to the Liberators
Welcome to the Liberators “Welcome to the Liberators!” It is painted on a brick wall as Antonia and her daughter walk into a Dutch village that Antonia grew up in in the movie Anotonia’s Line, directed by Marleen Gorris. While the message is clearly meant for Allied troops who are clearing out the Nazi…