I remember when I first read Breakfast of Champions, I can honestly say that it changed my life. Vonnegut’s wit, humanism, and critical thought couched in slapstick humor, showed me that you don’t have to be uptight to be just and that you don’t have to be a prick to be conservative. He taught me…
Category: Books and Writers
Odder book titles make shortlist
How Green Were the Nazis? and The Stray Shopping Carts of Eastern North America are just two of the titles competing for an unusual book prize.The Bookseller magazine has released its shortlist for the Oddest Titles prize, honouring fringe publishing. Proceedings of the Eighteenth International Seaweed Symposium is also in the running, with a public…
Teacher in crack over butt art
It looks like Murmur’s ass is getting a little too much attention and his bandwidth has been exceeded at his website Buttprintart.com but you can check out a video of him in action on youtube here cd RICHMOND, Va. – To hear the students tell it, Stephen Murmer is a fun, popular art teacher who…
Jailed media worldwide hits record: U.S. watchdog
NEW YORK (Reuters) – The number of journalists jailed worldwide for their work rose for the second year with Internet bloggers and online reporters now one third of those incarcerated, a U.S.-based media watchdog said on Thursday. A Committee to Protect Journalists census found that a record 134 journalists were in jail on December 1…
My favorite childhood book
Blair pinched speech from The Grapes of Wrath
His promise to the party faithful that he would ‘always’ be with them earned Tony Blair a seven-minute standing ovation. But the Labour conference may have been slightly less overawed if they had realised that the Prime Minister had based the finale to his farewell speech on the words of a fugitive double murderer. Mr…
TuckerMax signs second book deal
It pays to be an asshole. Just ask Dick Cheney. cd TuckerMax.com: “Assholes Finish First” deal is officially announced “Assholes Finish First” deal is officially announced Here is the Publishers Weekly announcement (it’s a little down the page). So that’s the official news, here is what they are not telling you: The advance for Assholes…
Lynne Truss, author of Eats, Shoots and Leaves, Talk to the Hand, Going Loco, Tennysons Gift, Making The Cat Laugh
Finally a website that makes fun of bad punctuation…my personal favorite is the missing comma when someone suggests dining out to Grandma. “Let’s eat out Grandma.” Gross. cd Lynne Truss, author of Eats, Shoots and Leaves, Talk to the Hand, Going Loco, Tennysons Gift, Making The Cat Laugh “Call me Ishmael” is different from “Call…
Unfinished Tolkien work to be published
NEW YORK – An unfinished tale by J.R.R. Tolkien has been edited by his son into a completed work and will be released next spring, the U.S. and British publishers announced Monday. Christopher Tolkien has spent the past 30 years working on “The Children of Hurin,” an epic tale his father began in 1918 and…
Sock Puppet Bites Man – New York Times
New Republic blogger Lee Siegel praised his own writing using an online alter ego, and then denied that it was him. He’s out of a job – not for commenting on his own work, but for lying about it. It’s easy to put on an online mask. The thrill of anonymous interaction inspires some to…