This is a funny thing to do, but it’s nice to have a blog that’s all about me so I can do this kind of balderdash. I’m still in Marseilles very much loving it, though to be honest, mostly just enjoying the fact that I’ve got this lovely apartment and the time to work and…
Category: Books and Writers
My Latest Book – Douchebags, Fags, and Hags – now available
I’ve finally published my latest novel. Douchebags, Fags, and Hags. You can find it for kindle here or in epub format here. Here’s the cover: This novel was a labor of love. The hard part, as with just about everything in my life, is doing anything when I’m trapped in Morocco waiting for my wife’s…
Wisdom for Sophia – A poem for my daughter
Adventures to inspire my child, your child, Jules Verne, National Geographic, Sir Richard Burton’s stories – my stories. Tans-Siberian railroad – Russian steppes Race nomads – throat singers of Tuva. Meditation zen – top Fuji pedaling rickshaw with driver Passenger – secret pho. Cambodia Myanmar – Burma – Syu Kyi free, Ancient Wats -Chan villages…
Some technical notes…
I’ve been doing a little bit of work on the blog today. I added a plugin called wordpress cache that is supposed to make the site load faster. I don’t know if it is temporary or not, but a side effect seems to be that sometimes the page comes up unavailable. If you refresh the…
100 Words Every High School Graduate should know
BOSTON, MA — The editors of the American Heritage® dictionaries have compiled a list of 100 words they recommend every high school graduate should know. “The words we suggest,” says senior editor Steven Kleinedler, “are not meant to be exhaustive but are a benchmark against which graduates and their parents can measure themselves. If you…
Homeland Security Asks Sci Fi Writers for Help
Government seeks sci-fi antiterrorism insight In effort to broaden its thinking about terrorist attacks, the Department of Homeland Security is tapping into the thinking of a group of science fiction authors called Sigma, according to USA Today. “We need to look everywhere for ideas, and science fiction writers clearly inform the debate,” said department spokesman…
Do Jesus Freak chicks get more Freaky?
A 19-year-old virgin walks into a bar. He’s got his lucky cross in his pocket and his best jersey on. Please God, he says to himself, let this be the night. He spies a girl sitting at a table—blonde, wholesome-looking, just his type. He sidles up closer to the girl, who is chatting with some…
The dark legacy of Carlos Castaneda | Salon Books
The godfather of the New Age led a secretive group of devoted followers in the last decade of his life. His closest “witches” remain missing, and former insiders, offering new details, believe the women took their own lives. […] If [the] …name [Carlos Castaneda] draws a blank for readers under 30, all they have to…
20,000 Books to Burn
Stop the madness…buy used books today at Primitive Books KANSAS CITY, Missouri (AP) — Tom Wayne amassed thousands of books in a warehouse during the 10 years he has run his used book store, Prospero’s Books. His collection ranges from best sellers like Tom Clancy’s “The Hunt for Red October” and Tom Wolfe’s “Bonfire of…
Billy Bragg Turns His Hand at Writing
I remember when I was working in London, my friend Dan and I went to check out Billy Bragg at a cafe. Awesome. I’d always been a fan and was totally stoked to have the chance to go. If you are in the neighborhood, don’t miss this show. cd Interview by Ian Ray Billy Bragg,…