Rapture Ready…take a look and be very fucking scared…..
Category: Antichrist 2020
Milk Sucks
I don’t necessarily agree with it…but I don’t consume much milk… More here…..
Just in case you were curious…. Kublai Khan was the grandson of Ghengis Khan. Along with providing religious freedom, he created aid agencies, increased the use of postal stations, established paper currency, reorganized and improved roads, and expanded waterways. Under his rule, the winter capitol was moved from Mongolian territory to the Chinese City of…
Blue Sky Jazz
I love jazz. This is my favorite internet radio station. Enjoy. Atlanta Blue Sky Jazz. http://www.atlantabluesky.com/
Lil' Kim Jong Il
Okay…I know it’s a little strange to be obsessed with the 5’2″ dictator of North Korea….so from time to time I will post strange bits about him… soon you will be obsessed too….besides…look at that hair… Okay…so he spikes his hair up and wears platform shoes…so what? He invented the toaster. That’s what they tell…
Ike speaks from the grave….
My friend Lena sent this to me….almost unbelievable in it’s aptness…. “Should any political party attempt to abolish social security, unemployment insurance, and eliminate labor laws and farm programs, you would not hear of that party again in our political history. There is a tiny splinter group, of course, that believes you can do these…
Bush Fish
This is so freaky it might even be real….. www.bushfish.org
Friday the 13th
Friday the 13th is a day that seems to promise bad luck – but on the upside, it only happens once this year. And there is no evidence linking Friday the 13th to bad luck, says John Percy, a University of Toronto astronomy and astrophysics professor. “It’s strictly a superstition,” Percy said. Fears about Friday…
http://www.albinoblacksheep.com/flash/hapland.php This is a sort of strange interactive game where you interact with the screen to get it to move to the next level…try it…very addictive…. shit, I can’t figure it out…. this is driving me nuts….
666…no 616
Legions of metalheads who’ve saluted “the number of the beast” may need to subtract 50 from the numeral that adorns their notebook doodlings, T-shirts and tattoos. A newly discovered fragment of the Book of Revelation challenges the conventional belief that the Antichrist’s mark is 666, indicating instead that it is 616. Expert classicists used multi-spectral…