(One forecaster used to name storms for politicians who “wandered aimlessly and displayed erratic behavior.” Maybe we can revive that tradition…. kg)
“If we go beyond Wilma, we’ll use the Greek alphabet,” said Nanette Lomarda, head of the Tropical Cyclone division at the World Meteorological Organization (WMO).
BBC NEWS | Americas | A hurricane by any other name?
I like the idea of naming them after loathed politicians. What about naming them after serial killers? Hurricane Dahmer or Hurricane Bundy. for that matter naming them after terrorists Hurricane Osama, Hurricane Zarquawi (sp?)…and then you get into just naming them after strange things or sectors of society…
Hurricane IRS, Hurricane Geek, Hurricane Plumbers and Carpenters Union, and Hurricane Phlebotomist.
Or we could sell corporate sponsorships. Hurricane Geico, Hurricane Safeco, Hurricane Microsoft….
Of course, it would be too poignant to name them after the true ills of society. Hurricane Poverty, Hurricane Starvation, Hurricane Malnutrition, Hurricane Famine, Hurricane tax cut for the rich, Hurricane no healthcare, Hurricane Lack of Education, Hurricane Racial Discrimination, Hurricane Lack of Social Justice, Hurricane Hatred, Hurricane Discrimination….