THE BARRACKS AND FAIRHAVEN by Chris Damitio The whole housing thing in Fairhaven is somewhat chaotic right now. Sherry Jubilo is still sitting in the Barracks, waiting for bulldozers to come in and tear em down. She turned down $10,500 to move out of a building she was renting. That confused me and a lot…
Author: CD
Bellinghamblin Man #1
Bellinghamblin Man by Chris Damitio Okay, here is what you overwhelmingly asked for. Bellinghamblin’ Man. I like it, and it sounds like most of you do too. Other suggestions included “Hamster Beat” ( too close to Hamster, one of our local ‘zines), Yo Mama, and Meattime ( I can’t really explain that one). Surprisingly, quite…
Sarge Reveiws Haggen
Sarge AT-TEN-TION!! First of all let me tell you that there ain’t no place that serves chow like my beloved Marine Corps. When you make 15,000 servings of macaroni and cheese, you really get it down. Back in my drill instructor days I was never easy on my recruits and I’m not gonna be easy…
Aquillo Mallot
Aquillo Mallot We’re talking this issue with Aquillo Mallot, a homeless man of alternative housing. An occupational non-profit mercenary, Gypsy Moth farmer, comfrey and mullen rancher, pie rat, and surveyor of exotic substances. He currently holds the position of Bishop of the Holy Primeval Coyote Church in his space-time. Also Master of the Sacred Marriage…
Sitting in the Window
Sitting in the Window Sitting in the window. Typing. It’s dark out there…and light in here which means I can’t see anything but the pale glair of headlights going by. There could be a dozen people sitting outside watching me. nah! it’s too cold, inside and outside. curous how cold it suddenly got. if I…
Millenium Celebrations…..
Millenium by Chris Damitio What are you planning to do for the big millenium celebration. My friend Tracy is going on a luxury cruise to the Virgin Islands. That sounds prety good. Her husband Mike has decided to stay home and lock himself in the closet with a 12 gauge! Ringin in the New Year…
THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA by Chris Damitio I like my country. I like the land and I like the people. I know it is quite in vogue right now to bash America, point out all her flaws and weaknesses, but there are a lot of really great advantages to living here. I mean basically,…
I Love Fairhaven!!!
Fairhaven by Chris Damitio I absolutely love where I live. Mountains, coastline, lakes, streams. The natural beauty is incredible, but everybody knows that. I love where I live. I live in Fairhaven About 100 years ago, what is now called Bellingham was made up of Whatcom, Bellingham, Sehome, and Fairhaven. Fairhaven was a swinging litttle…
Ego and More Y2K
Ego by Chris Damitio Soon this will be the column you wait for. Even before you check your horoscope or the “missed connections” section, you will flip here. Y, you ask? Perhaps why 2k? It’s a good question really. Why two thousand, why not measure with a different system, then we can miss all the…
Why Ask Y2K?
WHY ASK Y2K? by Chris Damitio Has anyone else noticed that every time you pick up a paper, surf the net, watch the news, or open a magazine theres another story about Y2K? I bet you started reading this article because of the Y2K in the lead. It’s a disturbing trend to see. After all…