Philosophy of Electromagnetism. I The universe is composed of forces. We recognize some. We understand some. We think we understand and recognize others. Electricity, magnetism and gravity are the primary forces of the univers. We have crudely tapped these forces without understanding what they imply or are. Electricity and magnetism are like polar opposites and…
Author: CD
Outline for a movie "Vulgar"
outline for vulgar I. opening with a man and woman eating dinner A. He tells an off color story B. She is highly offended C. run credits with Vulgar as the overdub while we see the man get angry and the woman leave II. the man walks through the streets and reaches his house, he…
How to Start a Magazine
HOW TO START A MAGAZINE (or How to put yourself in the poorhouse) Believe it or not, I had a job 6 months ago. It was a great job by Bellingham standards. I actually had money in my savings account, a nice little place to live, and enough left over to start playing around with…
This war brought to you by….
THIS WAR BROUGHT TO YOU BY BOB AND CONNIE DIEHL. The world econoomy was going into the dumpster. The reason was peace.The leaders of the western world thought they wer immune. The future was peace. So the error of their ways was corrected and military spending was increased.The fear of a aeconomy free world offered…
Iraq, Yugoslavia, Hatemail
FAIRHAVEN PARK, YUGOSLAVIA, IRAQ, AND HATEMAIL There’s a new road cut into the woods behind Fairhaven Park. I don’t know why the road is there but it sure ruins a nice walk and some really cool BMX jumps. There was a whole network of jumps and dirt tracks back there, not anymore.You can expect to…
Ideas for a Libertarian Website
government The government exists to serve its citizens. Our government is a government of, by, and for the people. As citizens we have both rights and obligations. These rights include voting and holding office, saying and writing what we think, practicing our own religion, having a fair trial, and maintianing our privacy. Our obligations include…
Notes from an Interview with a Militiaman
Interview with Paul Ridley A woman n Skagit in The idea is absurd that domestic violence is man beats up woman, that doesn’t teach anybody anything an if you can’t define domestic violence than nobody can deal with it. Its about power and control. It’s not about sex and neither is rape and neither is…
Ramblin Man (Bellinghamblin' Man's) Bio
Ramblin’ Man’s Bio. Born in Tacoma, Washington in 1971 to a rock musician and a cocktail waitress. We moved from Tacoma to Big Bear Lake, California and travelled most of the continental U. S. before I could fully appreciate it. My earliest memories are of the road. Ghost towns and Holiday Inns, coming over mountains…
Throw Away Society and Friends of the Trees
THE THROWAWAY SOCIETY Our society faces some problems! One of the biggest is the amount of waste we produce. Our landscape is overflowing with “waste”. What is waste ? Websters defines waste as (1) using, consuming, or expending thoughtlessly or (2) causing to lose energy, strength or vigor. I’d like to offer one more definition–…
Financial Aid Blues
Financial Assistance Blues The other day I noticed that my cupboard was close to bare and my bank account in a similar situation. A lot of us know it is difficult to get an education, support yourself, pay bills, feed yourself, and still have anything left over to buy toothpaste with. ( A lot of…