July 20, 1969. Human beings from the planet Earth first set foot on another world. It seems to me that is an anniversary worth fukn celebrating. Happy Moon Day. Why don’t we stop killing each other for one day and celebrate our greatest technological achievment? Where Were You July 20, 1969?
Author: CD
25,000 Iraqi Civilians Killed Since Invasion
Xinhua – English Nearly 25,000 civilians killed in Iraq since US invasion: report www.chinaview.cn 2005-07-19 23:15:42 LONDON, July 19 (Xinhuanet) — Nearly 25,000 Iraqi civilians have been killed since the US and British troops invaded the country in March 2003, with an average of 34 deaths every day, a British research report said on Tuesday….
The Great UFO Debate
SPACE.com — The Great UFO Debate The Great UFO Debate By Seth Shostak SETI Institute posted: 14 July 2005 06:37 am ET The good news is that polls continue to show that between one and two-thirds of the public thinks that extraterrestrial life exists. The weird news is that a similar fraction thinks that some…
Neurological Syndromes
(lifted from Boing Boing..thanks) Kluver-Bucy Syndrome. Classically, the person will try to put anything to hand into their mouths and typically attempt to have sexual intercourse with it. The Capgras’ patient will typically identify people close to them as being imposters – identical in every possible way, but identical replicas. Classically, the patient will accept…
Robots replace child jockeys in UAE camel race – Yahoo! News
Robots replace child jockeys in UAE camel race – Yahoo! News ABU DHABI (Reuters) – Remote-controlled robot jockeys made their debut as camel riders in the United Arab Emirates Monday, competing in a trial race after the Gulf Arab state tightened a ban on child jockeys. Robots weighing up to 15 kg (33 lb) were…
Bush: I know I said one thing, but what I MEANT to say was….
Asked on June 10, 2004, whether he stood by an earlier White House pledge to fire anyone found to have leaked the officer’s name, Bush replied: “Yes.” On Monday, he added the qualifier that it would have to be demonstrated that a crime was committed. Sources in the White House say that Bush will add…
ANNUAL NEOLOGISM CONTEST Once again, The Washington Post has published the winning submissions to its yearly contest, in which readers were asked to supply alternate meanings for common words. The winners are: 1. Coffee (n.), the person upon whom one coughs. 2. Flabbergasted (adj.), appalled over how much weight you have gained. 3 . Abdicate…
What ever happened to Veruca Salt?
I saw the new Charlie and the Chocolate Factory the other night. While visually it was sort of cool to revisit Wonka’s factory. I hated the remake as a whole. Johnny Depp who I have never disliked in a role, was terrible as Wonka, they should have called him Wanka because that’s what he must…
Winecast This is a pretty cool resource for wine. The blog and podcast are useful, entertaining, and informative. Have a look.