Author: CD
Sploid: La Familia De Bush
Sploid: La Familia De Bush Jenna Bush is headed to Latin America as the latest member of the Bush Dynasty ordered to “become Hispanic.”She was once the blonde party girl who brought a little fun to the tragic reign of her father. But the fun is over — the 24-year-old Jenna is on her way…
If a mouse can ride a frog….
…don’t you think humans should be able to figure out how to get along? cd A mouse rides on the back of a frog in floodwaters in the northern Indian city Lucknow June 30, 2006. REUTERS/Pawan Kumar (INDIA)
Wired 14.07: Train to the Roof of the World
Train service from Beijing to Lhasa starts tomorrow, July 01, amid concern about the changes that will come with the greater influx of people.� According to UPI, tix for the first official trip sold out in 20 minutes.� Here David Wolman wheedles his way onto the train… To score a ride sitting shotgun in a…
IOL: Hasselhoff in shaving accident
Something about this doesn’t sound right… the man hit his head on the chandelier and severed a tendon in his arm? Hmmm, did he perhaps punch the chandelier?? Or is he just the unluckiest man alive? And are they really blaming Philippe Starck? Baywatch star David Hasselhoff was taken to hospital after a shaving accident…
Singing Japan PM tours Graceland
Wow. Koizumi and B*** ate fried peanut butter and banana sandwiches on Air Force One on the way to Graceland, where their tour was led by Priscilla and Lisa Marie. Tony Snow wore Elvis glasses. And, of course, Koizumi sang. BBC NEWS | Asia-Pacific | Singing Japan PM tours Graceland
Brazil's law-enforcing buffaloes
The idea of cops on buffalo is cute in and of itself, but this article gets into a fascinating amount of detail on politics and the history of the buffalo in Brazil… Police have taken to an unusual form of locomotion in the Brazilian city of Belem. Calm, dignified and, yes, friendly, they glance down…
And if that's not enough for you
look at this website. I love putting stuff on my kitty…. h
Ultimate Cat Wresting
you will watch this if you know what’s good for you.
Data on stolen VA laptop supposedly not accessed
The data analyst who took the laptop home has basically been blamed for making a big mistake in doing so. Yet, according to this article, the analyst had permission since 2002 to take home his or her laptop, to use software at home which is designed to work with large databases, and to have access…