I’d like to invite readers to join me for a thousand and one Sundays of reading and writing. I’ll write if you’ll read. If you’d like to join me, you can sign up at http://eepurl.com/rMijn but don’t worry, if you decide one Sunday is enough, you can unsubscribe with the click of a button. By the way, there’s no charge for this.
One of the most important things I’ve ever heard about writing is that there needs to be an agreement between the writer and the reader. My agreement with you is this: Read my work and I’ll keep writing the best that I can for you. If you don’t like it for some reason, please let me know and if you can, please tell me why. My email is vago@vagodamitio.com and there is nobody I would rather here from than you, the reader. If you come across grammar or spelling errors, I would love to know about those too. Thanks in advance for entering this agreement with me.
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Vago Damitio’s Weekly Reader
I’d like to invite you to subscribe to
The Madman: Vago Damitio’s Weekly Reader
Here’s the deal:
Every Sunday I’m going to send you an email with something interesting to read. I’m going to start with the serialized rewrite of my first novel, Slackville Road (you can find it here with my other books, but it’s not the version you’ll get through email).
You’ll be the first to see the rewrite because it will be coming to you. I hope that you’ll provide feedback, comments, and more. After we finish Slackville Road, it will be something else. The whole point of this is to build a more personal relationship between you, the reader, and me, the writer – so please don’t hesitate to contact me – even if you want to say “Hey dumbass, stop using so many dashes!” – or “I think you should have more T & A in this story.”
This is not going to be the same content that appears on VagoDamitio.com – which is my personal website and periodically updated whenever I feel the desire or have something to say – – if you’d like to subscribe to that (i.e. get each new article emailed to you) you’ll need to go to http://www.vagodamitio.com/feed/ – or just go look at it once in a while and see what’s new there. On the site you will find my books, interviews, columns, photos, and random thoughts. It might be offensive or lame, but it’s real and it’s not driven by anyone but me.
That’s it.
See you on Sunday. By the way, I picked Sunday because I think it’s the best day for reading. I have fond memories of spending Sunday mornings reading over breakfast and I hope that you will enjoy reading me over breakfast – that sounds weird, but I hope you know what I mean.

P.S. – This isn’t the usual travel stuff that I’ve become known for through Vagobond.com either. I travel a lot and usually that finds its way into my fiction (and non-fiction of course) but this is about sharing the creative with you. I hope you won’t hesitate to let me know how you like it. |
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You are naughty! I nearly tripped over on that typo…
Wait…which typo?
You are naughty! I nearly tripped over on that typo…
Wait…which typo?