I saw an editorial by Thomas Sowell in the Honolulu Advertiser yesterday talking about his book Black Rednecks and White Liberals…
Strange man, I’m sort of fascinated though and will probably read the book…I mean, is this yet another attempt by the white conservative media and their black co-conspirators to hijack the culture of African America or is Sowell on to something…
In the piece I read he never identified where the Rednecks came from but I’m guessing Scotland….here is more on his book…
“Black identity has become a hot item in the movies, on television and at schools and colleges. But few are aware of how much of what passes as black identity today, including “black English,” has its roots in the history of whites who were called “rednecks” centuries ago in Britain, before they ever crossed the Atlantic and settled in the South.
Saying “acrost” for “across” or “ax” for “ask” are today considered part of black English. But this was common centuries ago in those regions of Britain from which white Southerners came. They brought with them more than their own dialect. They brought a way of life that made white Southerners very different from white Northerners.” …More….